Yashwita Reddy, The Millennium School – Dubai


When I was selected as Youth Ambassador for The Young Vision, I could not believe it – that moment was so surreal. I knew that this opportunity would have a lasting impact on my life. On that note, I would like to thank the TYV Ambassador selection committee for this excellent opportunity. I’m truly honoured to be a part of this family. According to me, an Ambassador is the one who encourages, empowers and inspires others to be the best version of themselves. Through this programme, I look forward to learning new things, acting on their effectiveness and their impact. I believe that TYV is a great platform for today’s youth to express themselves and gain knowledge. In a country that believes in “connecting minds to create future,” the role of youth-empowered magazines like TYV couldn’t be more important. As a new Ambassador of TYV I pledge to use my voice in the most righteous way. I’m excited to begin my journey with TYV, and hope it goes a long way!!