You didn’t plan your future yet? You are graduating from high school soon with no planned career? You think you are not talented and have no hobbies? Perhaps – no one is good at everything – but everyone is good at something; maybe it’s something you didn’t discover yet. Take action and choose the right path to take. Keep in mind, there is no wrong or right decision. It is your decision. I am writing that to help you get out of the idea that you are lost and confused: you just need to think the opposite.

What now? Notice your talents. If you don’t know your talents yet, ask your family, friends and teachers. You will be surprised, but take what they say into consideration. Next, you will need to approach your goals. What challenges you? These things will help choose the area of study that will keep you interested long into the future. Well, I am sure you enjoy a specific session, subject, or activity in school more than any other. Are you interested in biology? Search for medicine fields. In physics? Search for engineering fields. Art or music? Lab activities? Economics and business? Under each field, a lot of other majors are waiting for you.

Then, how will you get there?  What things do you need to get there? That’s a completely new step. Are you aware of how you’re feeding your future? The only way you are feeding it right is that you are thinking right today, and if you believe in today, you will have tomorrow. If you believe there is plenty to go around, you will get plenty. If you believe life is easy, you’ll release struggle, and so on. You have to plan your ideas of your future career and future university – write their requirements and write what you have. What do you need to match what they want? Work on them and have a plan B, because you can’t know what might come along your path and stop you.

Finally, take action. You have everything ready but you need to be yourself. It’s not only that you got 97% average in your high school. It’s how confident you are to take this action. How much leadership experience do you have? Do you have the extra-curricular activities that make you special and convince these universities to choose you instead of others? Is the answer yes? Then go ahead. Think, plan, take action.