Dubai International Academy Announces Exceptional MYP Results


Dubai, UAE – Aug 1st, 2021: Dubai International Academy – Emirates Hills, the flagship school of Innoventures Education, has announced another set of excellent MYP results proving once again the resilience and determination of its students during these challenging times. This year the school had 159 students registered for the May 2021 Alternative Task Examination Session, with students achieving high averages in most of their subjects.

Mr. Sean Kelly, the MYP Coordinator was thrilled with this year’s results: “Once again our students have proven their excellence with this year’s results, we achieved a perfect score of 56 points and had 19/21 subjects exceeding world average results. All of this is a true testament to the hard work, grit and resilience of our students with the support of our fantastic teachers to help achieve these outstanding results.”

Mr. Hitesh Bhagat, Head of Secondary School was elated with the results: “It is without a doubt that our school is driven to continually strive for excellence and we continue to break new school records. These MYP results follow on from our exceptional Diploma results which were released on the 6th July 2021 and are the foundation to our exceptional DP results in which we have a DP student average of 39 points with five DP students achieving the perfect score of 45 points. A 100% pass rate with 49% students scoring above 40, according to us, is a great achievement. I would like to thank both; the teachers and parents for their continuous hard work and support through this extraordinary year.  We are tremendously proud of the exceptional results of the MYP Class of 2021 and we wish them the best success in their future endeavours as they embark on the next stage of their academic journey.”

The graduating students also acquired a scholarship of $6.4M across different universities and with average points of 39, the Diploma students of DIA were able to secure their places at top ranking universities such as Oxford University, University of California – Berkley, Colombia University, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Georgia Tech, John Hopkins University, Imperial College, Kings College, University College London, London School of Economics, Erasmus University, University of Toronto, University of British Colombia, McGill University, New York University, Abu Dhabi with two full scholarship and two half scholarships, University of Melbourne, Hong Kong University and University of Amsterdam and IE in Spain.

DIA’s MYP subject results also exceeded expectations with 19 out of 21 subjects being above the world average, with a highly commendable subject average grade moving from 5.47 to 5.61 per subject out of a total of 7 marks.  The school also achieved the world elusive score of a 7 in the Personal Project, with ten students achieving this outstanding result!

The school was particularly proud of Kim Nayoung who achieved a perfect score of 56 points. This is a tremendous achievement and we are immensely proud of Kim’s results.

Kim was delighted and quoted “These results have been a pleasant surprise for me and I’m very excited to see what the future holds. I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate all my peers on their MYP achievements as well, and to thank my teachers for all their support throughout my journey so far. For all students going into the MYP, my advice is to stay resilient and focus on the process – the results will reflect the individual effort you put in over the entire two years of the course.”