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TYV Ambassador

The TYV Youth Ambassador Programme is dedicated to high-schoolers who LOVE magazines, digital media, journalism, writing, publicity, or marketing.  Our aim is to provide a platform for youth to share, support, discuss, and debate the issues that affect society today. The programme is educational, inspirational, empowering, entertaining, supportive and non-judgmental. We want you to present your truthful depiction of life through the eyes of the youth, and appeal to the audience who identify with you most. Without a doubt, TYV gives you a voice to fill an ever-existent void in the framework of our youth.

If you too want to become an ambassador then click here:


Let’s get to know the background… For years now, sociologists and psychologists have teamed up to delve deeper into the different aspects that surround the participation of women in sports. Be it just showing up for a selection event or…


We all want our nails to look healthy, strong and long, even me!!! Nails add beauty to your hands and shows how healthy you are, your nails are made of the same protein, keratin, of which your hair is made of… Fingernails grow faster than…

Straight Talk – E-books or printed ones?

Compiled by Swathy Sanjay Sindhu, TYV AMBASSADOR #1 Students debate the topic from the learning and environment perspective. Najma Altaf Nothing beats the paper book! Once I tried to study from an e-book and I found that I had forgotten…

Straight Talk – The Healthier it is, The Worse it Tastes?

 Compiled by Swathy Sanjay Sindhu, TYV Ambassador #1 Do you think that’s true? I’ve gathered some comments from two of my friends, one who says that healthy food doesn’t taste good enough for her, and one who says that healthy food should…